terminal42 | web development made in switzerland

Free as in free speech, not as in free beer

It is crucial to have a common understanding of Open Source Software.

Do you need support?

It is in the nature of software that it raises questions, contains bugs or wants to be extended by new functionality.

An Open Source license provides you with the freedom of the fact that anybody is allowed to take on these tasks.

We are here for you.

If you don't have a developer at hand, we are happy to help. Fuss-free and transparent. We simply charge for our work according to the time spent.

Should you decide to use a different airport, we would be happy if improvements are contributed back into our projects – that's our understanding of Open Source.

Our toolboxes are ready and waiting.

Radio our airport.

The "TANSTAAFL" adage

There ain't no such thing
as a free lunch

TANSTAAFL loosely translates to "nothing is for free". Following this principle, Open Source does not come at no cost either. Somebody has to bear the costs, whether they come at financial means or spare time.

Unfortunately, there is a common misperception of free Software:

[…] the term «free» in this context is primarily a reference to a lack of constraint («libre») rather than a lack of cost («gratis»).


We all need Open Source

The modern world would be unthinkable without Open Source. There are billions of lines of freely available code in every device. It is therefore imperative that this code is maintained sustainably and professionally.

Companies build on what is created and maintained at our airport. This work is extremely time-consuming. What would happen if we suddenly could no longer provide? As a sponsor, you can play a part in preventing this from becoming a reality.

Become a GitHub Sponsor

We would like to thank

  • netzarbeiter
  • Marcus Lelle
  • Thorsten Neuhaus
  • Niels
  • Contao Academy