terminal42 | web development made in switzerland

Our most successful constructions

Contao Open Source CMS

The Content Management System of our choice

Contao is one of the top 5 content management systems in the German-speaking (DACH) region. For more than 10 years we have been significantly involved in the further development and maintenance of the system. It is our first (and only!) choice when implementing a website with CMS functionality.

Contao and its ecosystem have been decisively shaped by us; through our participation in the Contao team, as founders of the Contao Association as well as through the development of the Contao Manager. We know the Contao source code inside out and are also very familiar with the Symfony and PHP world. As a participant or speaker, you will occasionally meet us at related conferences and hackathons.


Contao is based on the well-known LAMPP stack. Since version 4 Contao is a bundle for the Symfony full-stack framework. Installation and updates including all extensions is 100% based on Composer. Besides a review process (at GitHub), new code is checked by unit and functional tests (PHPUnit). Analysis tools like phpstan or psalm help us to keep code quality.

The "Contao Manager" is entirely developed by us, a unique application which allows to manage a Contao installation in the browser via Vue.js UI and JSON REST interface. Our Composer Resolver Cloud makes sure this even works on limited shared hosting webspaces.
